Explosions bring a serious risk of damage or collapse when are produced inside buildings or in the close proximity. As the hazard intensity and possible effects are difficult to quantify, the structure should have the capacity to survive with inherent damages, thus preventing the progressive or disproportionate collapse.
High Fidelity Numerical Seismic Modeling of Ancient Brick Structures
The evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of historical masonry buildings is a difficult task due to the uncertainty regarding structural characteristics and construction techniques, mechanical properties, and pre-existing damage. Hence, there is a need for an efficient computational technique for analyzing such structures and providing reliable results for a large number of buildings within a reasonable time frame.
ASCE Structures Congress 2019
ASI will be attending the 2019 Structure Congress in Orlando, FL from April 24-27, 2019. ASI sessions this year focus on the Protective Design for Structures and industrial facilities. Below are the Sessions that ASI is participating in. ASI Engineers will also be...
Nonlinear Dynamic Alternative Load Path Analysis of 10-story Concrete Shear Wall Flat Plate Building
Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E. will be presenting a paper entitled, " Nonlinear Dynamic Alternative Load Path Analysis of 10-story Concrete Shear Wall Flat Plate Building", at Structures Congress 2019, Saturday, April 27th from 8:00 - 9:30 AM in the Celebration 1-2 Room....
Opening Plenary Speaker at the Forensic Engineering 8th Congress
Dr. Ahmed Amir Khalil, PhD, PE, Structural Consultant at Applied Science International, LLC (ASI) will be delivering the Opening Plenary Speech at the Forensic Engineering 8th Congress in Austin, Texas from 8:30AM-10:00AM on Friday November 30th,...
Structures Congress 2018: Advanced Simulation of Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Varying Material Strength
Tarek Kewaisy, PhD, PE, PMP will be presenting a paper entitled, "Advanced Simulation of Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete slabs with Varying Material Strength" at Structures Congress 2018 on Saturday, April 21 from 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM in room 202CD...
Structures Congress 2018: Nonlinear Dynamic Impact Analysis of Collapsed Debris Using Applied Element Method
Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E., M. ASCE will be presenting a paper entitled, "Nonlinear Dynamic Impact Analysis of Collapsed Debris Using Applied Element Method" at Structures Congress 2018 on Friday, April 20 from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in room 202B Abstract:...
Structures Congress 2018: Multi-hazard Modeling of Vapor Cloud Explosion for Offshore Structures using AEM
Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E., M. ASCE will be presenting a paper entitled, "Multi-hazard Modeling of Vapor Cloud Explosion for Offshore Structures Using AEM" at Structures Congress 2018 on Thrusday, April 19 from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM in room 203BC Abstract: The...
Blast Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with FRP Retrofit using ELS
Ahmed Khalil, P.E, Ph.D from ASI and Tarek Kewaisy, P.E., Ph.D. from Louis Berger will be co-presenting a paper titled “Advanced Modeling of Blast Response of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with and without FRP Retrofit” on March 26 2018 at ACI Concrete...