Ayman Elfouly, PE from Applied Science International presented to ASCE North Carolina on the topic of High Fidelity Non-Linear Structural Analysis under Extreme Loading Conditions using Extreme Loading Technology Summary: Extreme Loading for Structures Software or...
Progressive Collapse
Numerical Simulations of Collapse Tests on RC Beams
Recent events of bridge collapses, e.g. in Genoa (Italy) on August 14th 2018 and in Kolkata (India) on September 4th 2018, have focused the public interest on the infrastructures’ safety for their consequences in terms of fatalities and injuries, but also of economy...
Progressive Collapse Assessment of Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Beams
Abstract: Due to the repetitive progressive collapse events, it became necessity to form theories of designs against those cases of loadings. Prestressed reinforced concrete elements become widely used in construction field due to various properties that contribute to...
Progressive Collapse Assessment of Precast Reinforced Concrete Beams
Abstract: Progressive collapse is defined as either partial or overall failure of the structure due to losing one of the main structural elements. In order to control this chain reaction, it is important to study the main structural elements behavior under column...
Collapse analysis of the Polcevera viaduct by the applied element method
ASI's paper on the progressive collapse of the Polcevera Viaduct Bridge in Genoa, Italy will be available free for the next 50 days from Engineering Structures. ASI Engineers modeled up the bridge and simulated the collapse using its Extreme Loading for Structures...
Structures Congress 2018: Nonlinear Dynamic Impact Analysis of Collapsed Debris Using Applied Element Method
Ahmed Khalil, Ph.D., P.E., M. ASCE will be presenting a paper entitled, "Nonlinear Dynamic Impact Analysis of Collapsed Debris Using Applied Element Method" at Structures Congress 2018 on Friday, April 20 from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM in room 202B Abstract:...
Onsite Building Collapse Simulation for Urban Search & Rescue
The 3rd Newsletter for INACHUS has just been released. It details ASI's role in performing onsite structural collapse analysis of a reinforced concrete building for use by Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) during emergency response to collapsed or damaged...
ELS Most Suitable to Predict Debris Heaps According to EC Study
Deliverable 3.2 Summary Report Report on Model Enhancement and Validation Cases was just released. The report identifies the promising of the capabilities of Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) to be used in disaster response situations to accurately...
New Methodology of Designing for ATFP Using Modified Alternate Load Path Method
Visit ASI Engineers as they present on the proposal of a new methodology to design against disproportionate collapse for critical buildings that must be operational after a terrorist attack. The disproportionate collapse analysis uses the alternate path method where...