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Numerical Simulations of Collapse Tests on RC Beams

Numerical Simulations of Collapse Tests on RC Beams

Recent events of bridge collapses, e.g. in Genoa (Italy) on August 14th 2018 and in Kolkata (India) on September 4th 2018, have focused the public interest on the infrastructures’ safety for their consequences in terms of fatalities and injuries, but also of economy...

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High Fidelity Numerical Seismic Modeling of Ancient Brick Structures

High Fidelity Numerical Seismic Modeling of Ancient Brick Structures

The evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of historical masonry buildings is a difficult task due to the uncertainty regarding structural characteristics and construction techniques, mechanical properties, and pre-existing damage. Hence, there is a need for an efficient computational technique for analyzing such structures and providing reliable results for a large number of buildings within a reasonable time frame.

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