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Extreme Loading® Technology
Extreme Loading Technology is designed around the Applied Element Method (AEM) of analysis which is capable of performing linear and non-linear analysis that follows the behavior of structures through separation, collision, and collapse while automatically calculating:
Yielding of Reinforcement
Plastic Hinge Formation
Buckling & Post-buckling
Crack Propagation
Membrane Action & P-Delta
Separation of Elements
Collision and Collapse
Since AEM can automatically detect the initiation of cracks, track their progression throughout the structure, and simulate actual element separation, collision and final collapse, it removes a large amount of human error. This produces a truer analysis of structural behavior than more manual methods of structural analysis. AEM was born at the University of Tokyo as part of Professor Hatem Tagel Din’s research studies on the analysis and visualization of structures subjected to the extreme loading conditions generated during an earthquake. Since 1995 the research and validation of AEM has been an ongoing project, with many validation tests being conducted and research papers published certifying the breakthroughs achieved by the Applied Element Method. Research has verified its accuracy for: elastic analysis; crack initiation and propagation; estimation of failure loads for reinforced concrete structures; reinforced concrete structures under cyclic loading; buckling and post-buckling behavior; nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures subjected to severe earthquakes; fault-rupture propagation; nonlinear behavior of brick structures; and the analysis of glass reinforced polymers (GFRP) walls under blast loads.
DTRA Report: High Fidelity Modeling of Building Collapse with Realistic Visualization of Results
Homeland Defense Journal – Special Report: Changing the Known Built World