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Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) and the Applied Element Method (AEM) is used around the world by practicing engineers, university professors, Ph.D. students, and other researchers in the pursuit of better understanding of structures affected blast, progressive collapse, seismic, projectile impact, demolition, wind, and tsunami. The result has been a steady list of published work in Journals, Conference Presentations, Ph.D. Thesis, Papers, and Case Studies using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) and the Applied Element Method (AEM) to study 3-D linear / nonlinear, static / dynamic effects of blast, progressive collapse, seismic, projectile impact, demolition, wind, and tsunami on structures.

Below is a limited listing of such publications:

A- Journals

B- Conferences

C- Bulletins

  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Simulation for Collapse Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo , No. 32, March, 1999.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Simulation of Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Structures Using Applied Element Method, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, Institute of Industrial Science, No. 32, March, 1999.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Consideration of Poisson’s Ratio Effect in Structural Analysis Using Elements with Three Degrees of Freedom, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, No. 31, March 1998.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Simple and Accurate Technique for Failure Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo , No. 31, March 1998.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: 3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures, Monthly Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Vol.51, No. 11, pp. 773-776, 1997 (In Japanese).
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Efficient Technique for Fracture Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, No. 30, March 1997.

D- M.Sc., Ph.D., & Post-Doc Thesis


E- Other Publications

  • Hoon Park, Chul-Gi Suk, Seung-Kon Kim: A Study on Explosive Demolition of a Cylindrical Silo Structure, Korea Kacoh 2008.
  • Hyung-Dong Min,Jong-Ho Park. Young-Suk Song, Hoon Park: The Case Study of Explosives Demolition at Chung-Ang Department, Korea Kacoh 2008.
  • Special Report: Changing the Known Built World – Structural Security, The First Step to Physical Security. Homeland Defense Journal, 2009.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Nabil Rahman, The Applied Element Method: The Ultimate Analysis of Progressive Collapse, Structures Magazine, p31-33, April 2006.
  • P. Mayorca and Kimiro Meguro, Modeling Masonry Structures using the Applied Element Method, Seisan-Kenku, 55 6, 2003.
  • A. F. Elragi, N. M. Abdel-Rahman and Hatem Tagel-Din: Numerical Models for Upgrade of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bonded Composite Laminates, 4th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Volume 1, May 2002.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din: Dynamic Displacement Control Technique for Dynamic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Multiple Support Excitation, 4th International Alexandria Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 2nd – 4th April, 2001.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Method for Buckling, Post-Buckling and Collapse Behavior Analysis of Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method: A New Efficient Tool for Design of Structure Considering its Failure Behavior, 5th U.S. National Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Seattle, Washington, 12-14 Aug., 1999.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Simulation of Collapse Process of a Scaled RC Building Subjected to Base Excitation, Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Tokyo, July 1999.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: A New Efficient Technique for Collapse Analysis of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, Sept. 1999.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Efficient Model for Failure Analysis of Structures, Proc. Of the 3rd symposium on Fundamental Research for the Mitigation of Urban Disasters by Near Field Earthquakes, Sapporo/Hokkaido, Japan, Oct. 1998. (Title in Japanese).
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Simulation of Collapse Process of Structures due to Impulsive Forces, 17th Annual Conf. on Natural Disaster Reduction, Kanazawa, Japan, Oct. 1998. (Title in Japanese)
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Simulation of Large Deformation of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1998.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Failure Analysis of Structures Using a New Simple Technique, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Tochigi, Japan, March. 1998.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Development of a New Fracture Analysis Method with High Accuracy Based on Discontinuous Material Modeling, 16th annual Conf. on Natural Disaster Reduction, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 1997. (Title in Japanese)
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Fracture Behavior Analysis of Structures Using a New Efficient and Simple Technique, Monthly Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Vol. 49, No. 1, Nov. 1997.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Development of a New Efficient Technique for Nonlinear Structural Analysis, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)Annual Conference, Hachioji, Japan, Sept. 1997.
  • Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: An Efficient and Simplified Technique for Nonlinear Analysis of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Kobe , Japan, July 1997.
  • Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Development and Application of a New Model for Fracture Behavior Analysis of Structures, First US-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities, Buffalo , U.S., Feb. 1997.
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