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Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) and the Applied Element Method (AEM) is used around the world by practicing engineers, university professors, Ph.D. students, and other researchers in the pursuit of better understanding of structures affected blast, progressive collapse, seismic, projectile impact, demolition, wind, and tsunami. The result has been a steady list of published work in Journals, Conference Presentations, Ph.D. Thesis, Papers, and Case Studies using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) and the Applied Element Method (AEM) to study 3-D linear / nonlinear, static / dynamic effects of blast, progressive collapse, seismic, projectile impact, demolition, wind, and tsunami on structures.
Below is a limited listing of such publications:
A- Journals
- Cosimo Pellecchia; Alessandro Cardoni, Ph.D.; Gian Paolo Cimellaro, Ph.D.; Marco Domaneschi, Ph.D.; Farhad Ansari, Ph.D., M.ASCE; and Ahmed Amir Khalil, Ph.D., M.ASCE (2023). Progressive Collapse Analysis of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida
- M. Domaneschi, G.P. Cimellaro, G.C. Marano, M. Morgese, C. Pellecchia, A.A. Khalil (2021). Numerical simulations of collapse tests on RC beams. Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations. 1st Edition.
- O. Sediek, S.M.ASCE; S .El-Tawil; and J. McCormick (2021). Seismic Debris Field for Collapsed RC Moment Resisting Frame Buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering. Volume 147 Issue 5 – May 202.
- M. Alanani, M. Ehab, H. Salem (2020). Progressive collapse assessment of precast prestressed reinforced concrete beams using applied element method, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 13, 2020, e00457, ISSN 2214-5095, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2020.e00457. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214509520301297)
- M. El-desoqi, M. Ehab, H. Salem (2020). Progressive collapse assessment of precast reinforced concrete beams using applied element method, Case Studies in Construction Materials, Volume 13, 2020, e00456, ISSN 2214-5095, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2020.e00456. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214509520301285)
- D. Malomo, R. Pinho, & A. Penna (2019). Applied Element Modelling of the Dynamic Response of a Full-Scale Clay Brick Masonry Building Specimen with Flexible Diaphragms. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Volume 13, 2019.
- B. Desalegne, A. Hosoda, H. Salem, K. Kaba (2019). Numerical Simulation of Rupture Protrusion Tightened PC Steel Bar Tightened PC Steel Bar Using Applied Element Method. Journal of Society for Social Management Systems.D. Malomo, R. Pinho, A. Penna (2018).
- Using the Applied Element Method for modelling calcium-silicate brick masonry subjected to in-plane cyclic loading, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 47, No. 7, pp. 1610–1630.
- C. Grungwald, A. Khalil, B. Schaufelberger, E. Ricciardi, C. Pellecchia, E. De Iuliis, W. Riedel (2018). Reliability of collapse simulation – Comparing finite and applied element method at different levels. Engineering Structures Volume 176, 1 December 2018, Pages 265-278.
- J. Adama, F. Parisib, J. Sagasetac, X. Lud (2018). Research and practice on progressive collapse and robustness of building structures in the 21st century. Engineering Structures Volume 173, 15 October 2018, Pages 122-149.
- I. Marginean, F. Dinu, D. Dubina (2018). Simulation of the Dynamic Response of Steel Moment Frames following Sudden Column Loss. Experimental Calibration of the Numerical Model and Application. Steel Construction Vol 11 (1) 57-64.
- C. Michel, A. Karbassi, and P. Lestuzzi (2018). Evaluation of the Seismic Retrofitting of an Unreinforced Masonry building using Numerical Modeling and Ambient Vibration Measurements. Engineering Structures 158 (2018) 124–135. Keywords: Ambient vibration measurement, Applied element method modeling, Damage grade, Earthquake, Masonry,Nonlinear time-history analysis, Seismic retrofitting.
- Keys, R. and Clubley, S. (2017). Establishing a Predictive Method for Blast Induced Masonry Debris Distribution Using Experimental and Numerical Methods. Engineering Failure Analysis. Received 24 October 2016, Revised 25 June 2017, Accepted 5 July 2017, Available online 19 July 2017. Key Words: Applied Element Method; Nonlinear Analysis; Cracking Pattern; Blast; Modular; Masonry; Fragmentation; Debris;
- A. Zerin, A. Hosoda, H. Salem, and K. Amanat. (2017). Seismic Performance Evaluation of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Buildings Utilizing Verified Masonry Properties in Applied Element Method. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 15 (2017) No. 6 p. 227-243. Key Words: Applied Element Method; Nonlinear Analysis; Cracking Pattern; Infill Walls; soft-story; progressive collapse.
- C. Cismasiu, A. Ramos, I. Moldovan, D. Ferreira, and J. Filho. (2017). Applied element method simulation of experimental failure modes in RC shear walls. Computers and Concrete, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2017) 000-000. Key Words: Applied Element Method; Nonlinear Analysis; Cracking Pattern; RC Shear Walls
- Johns, R. and Clubley, K. (2016), The Influence of Structural Arrangement on Long-duration Blast Response of Annealed Glazing, International Journal of Solids and Structures.
- Salem, H, Mohssen, S., Nishikiori, Y., and Hosoda, A. (2016) Numerical Collapse Analysis of Tsuyagawa Bridge Damaged by Tohoku Tsunami. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000925 , 04016065.
- Kim, Han-Soo, Wee, Hae-Hwan (2016) Separation Strain for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building Using Applied Element Method, Advances in Structural Engineering, March 2016, Vol 19, No 3, 437-448.
- Dinu, F, Marginean, I, Dubina, D, Petran, I. (2016) Experimental Testing and Numerical Analysis of 3D Steel Frame System Under Column Loss, Accepted for Publication Engineering Structures 113 (2016) 59–70.
- Elshaer, A., Mostafa, H., and Salem, H. (2016) Progressive Collapse Assessment of Multistory Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Actions, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, pp1-11.
- Amy Coffield & Hojjat Adeli (2016) Irregular Steel Building Structures Subjected to Blast Loading, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22:1, 17-25, DOI: 10.3846/13923730.2015.1073172.
- Lakshitha M. G. Wijesundara and Simon K. Clubley (2015), International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 16, 1550050 (2016) [22 pages].
- Garofano, A. and Lestuzzi, P. (2015), Evaluation Of The Seismic Vulnerability of the “Ancien Hôpital De Sion” Using Applied Element Modelling (AEM) and Local Mechanism Analysis,” International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, Volume 10, 2016 – Issue 8, Pages 975-992.
- Huda Helmy, Hamed Hadhoud, Sherif Mourad (2015) Infilled Masonry Walls Contribution in Mitigating Progressive Collapse of multistory Reinforced Concrete Structures According to UFC Guidelines. International Journal for Advanced Structural Engineering, 7 June 2015, (DOI 10.1007/s40091-015-0094-5).
- Mariam Ehab, Hamed Salem, Hatem Mostafa and Nabil Yehia. Earthquake Pounding Effect on Adjacent Reinforced Concrete Buildings. International Journal of Computer Applications 106(9):27-34, November 2014. Keywords: Pounding, separation distance, applied element method.
- Han-Soo Kim, Hae-Hwan Wee (2014) Reduced Degree of Freedom Modeling for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Tall Buildings using Applied Element Method. Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 599~606, October, 2014.
- Hamed Salem, Suzan Mohssen, Kenji Kosa, Akira Hosoda. Collapse Analysis of Utatsu Ohashi Bridge Damaged by Tohuku Tsunami using Applied Element Method. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 12(2014) No. 10. p.388-402. Released: October 11, 2014. Keywords: Tsunami, collapse, impact, bridge.
- Timothy P. Kernicky; Matthew J. Whelan; David C. Weggel, P.E.; and Corey D. Rice. Structural Identification and Damage Characterization of a Masonry Infill Wall in a Full-Scale Building Subjected to Internal Blast Load. J. Struct. Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001158 , D4014013. Keywords: Structural identification, Blast loading, Vibration-based damage detection, Finite-element model updating, Applied element method.
- Florea Dinu, Dan Dubina & Ioan Marginean (2014): Improving the structural robustness of multistory steel-frame buildings, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2014.927509. Keywords: redundancy; steel structures; composite structures; damage; structural failures
- Wijesundara Mudalige, Gayan and Clubley, Simon K. (2014) Numerical modelling of reinforced concrete columns subject to coupled uplift and shear forces induced by internal explosions. Engineering Structures. (Submitted) Keywords: AEM, CFD, blast, uplift, reinforced concrete.
- Salem, H., Helmy, M. “Numerical Investigation of Collapse of the Minnesota I-35W Bridge“, Engineering Structures,PP 635-645, Vol.59, February 2014. Keywords: Progressive collapse; AEM; Corrosion; Minnesota I-35.
- Park, Hoon, Suk, Chul-Gi. Evaluation of Progressive Collapse-Resisting Capability of RC Structures due to Load Redistribution.” J. Korean Soc. Hazard Mitig. Vol. 13, No. 6 (Dec. 2013), pp. 067~074 ISSN 1738-2424(Print), ISSN 2287-6723(Online). Keywords: Progressive collapse, Resisting capacity, Applied element method, Explosive demolition.
- Simion, Adrian, Dragomir, Claudiu-Sorin (2013). The Simulation of an Industrial Building Demolition. National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and sustainable Development. Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions ISSN 2069-0509 (print) / 2069-6469 (on-line), Vol. 4, issue no. 2 / 2013
- Lupoae, Marin and Constantin, Daniel (2013). Theoretical and Experimental Research on Progressive Collapse of RC Frame Buildings. National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and sustainable Development. Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions ISSN 2069-0509 (print) / 2069-6469 (on-line), Vol. 4, issue no. 3 / 2013
- Keys, Richard and Clubley, Simon (2013) Modelling Debris Distribution of Masonry Panels Subject to Blast Loads Using Experimental & Applied Element Methods. In, 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions (ISIEMS 15), Potsdam, DE, 17 – 20 Sep 2013. 10pp.
- Helmy, H., Salem, H., and Mourad, S.. ”Computer-Aided Assessment of Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Structures according to GSA Code.” J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 27(5), 529–539, October 2013. Keywords: Progressive collapse, GSA, ELS, AEM, Slabs, Membrane action, Collapsed area, Rotation limits.
- Karbassi A., Nollet M. Performance-Based Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Masonry Buildings Using Applied Element Method in a Nonlinear Dynamic-Based Analytical Procedure: Earthquake Spectra: May 2013, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 399-426. Keywords: Progressive Collapse, Seismic, Vulnerability Assessment, Masonry.
- Helmy H., Salem H. , and Mourad S. Progressive Collapse Assessment of Framed Reinforced Concrete Structures According to UFC Guidelines for Alternative Path Method, Engineering Structures 42 (2012) pp 127–141. Keywords: Progressive collapse; UFC; ELS; AEM; Slabs; Catenry action; Collapsed area and rotation limits.
- Hamed, S., Salem H., and Mourad S. Computer-Aided Design of Framed Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Flood Scouring. Journal of American Science 2011;7(10):191-200]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). http://www.americanscience.org. Key words: Flood scouring, progressive collapse, Applied Element Method, tie beams.
- Khalil, A. Enhanced Modeling of Steel Structures for Progressive Collapse Analysis Using Applied Element Method, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, Available online 3 August 2011, ISSN: 0887-3828 (print) 1943-5509 (online), scheduled to be published December 2012. Keywords: Progressive, disproportionate, collapse, steel, deck, applied element, AEM, Unified Facilities Criteria, alternate path, column removal.
- Salem, H., El-Fouly, A., and Tagel-Din, H. Toward an Economic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Against Progressive Collapse, Engineering Structures, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 28 July 2011, 33(2011) 3341-3350, ISSN 0141-0296, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.06.020. Keywords: Applied Element Method; Numerical analysis; Progressive collapse; GSA; UFC; ASCE
- Galal, K and El-Sawy, T. Effect of Retrofit Strategies on Mitigating Progressive Collapse of Steel Frame Structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 66, Issue 4, pp 520-531, April 2010. Keywords: Progressive collapse; Steel frame; Retrofit; Strengthening; Chord rotation; Tie forces; Displacement ductility demand.
- D. Asprone, A. Nanni, H. Salem, and H. Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method Analysis of Porous GFRP Barrier Subjected to Blast, Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 13, Number 1, pp 152-170, February 2010. Keywords: Applied element method, blast loads, fiber reinforced polymer, numerical analysis, porous barrier, protection.
- Salem, H., El-Fouly, A. and Tagel-Din, H., “Toward an Economic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures against Progressive Collapse” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 641-660, Dec. 2009
- Hoon Park, Chul-Gi-Suk, Seung-Kon Kim: Collapse Modeling of Model RC Structure using the Applied Element Method, Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics, TUNNEL & UNDERGROUND SPACE, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2009, pp. 43-51.
- Mehrdad Sasani, Response of a Reinforced Concrete Infilled-Frame Structure to Removal of Two Adjacent Columns, Engineering Structures, Volume 30, Issue 9, September 2008, pp 2478-2491.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: AEM Used for Large Displacement Structure Analysis, Journal of Natural Disaster Science, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 65-82, 2002.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Simulation of RC Structures under Cyclic Loading, ASCE, Vol. 127, Issue 11, pp. 1295-1305, November 2001.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Method for Dynamic Large Deformation Analysis of Structures, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., International Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 215s-224s, October 2000.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Method for Simulation of Nonlinear Materials: Theory and Application for RC Structures, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., International Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Vol. 17, No. 2, 137s-148s, July 2000.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method for Structural Analysis: Theory and Application for Linear Materials, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., International Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Vol. 17, No. 1, 21s-35s, April 2000.
B- Conferences
- F. Dinu, I. Marginean, E. Ghicioi, V. Pasculescu, E. De Iuliis, and A. Khalil (2020). MEASURES FOR REDUCING VULNERABILITY OF BUILDING STRUCTURES DUE TO EXPLOSIONS. Proceedings of the SAFESUST2 – SURECON Workshop, pp24.
- A. Khalil, C. Pellecchia, E. De Iuliis, P.E. (2020). “High Fidelity Numerical Seismic Modeling of Ancient Brick Structures,” ASCE Structures Congress, April 2, 2020.
- D. Malomo, P. Comini, R. Pinho, A. Penna (2018) “The Applied Element Method and the modelling of both in-plane and out-of-plane response of URM walls,” Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper n. 10691.
- D. Malomo, R. Pinho, A. Penna (2018) “Using the Applied Element Method to simulate the dynamic response of full-scale URM houses tested to collapse or near-collapse conditions,” Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, Paper n. 10692.
- L. Diana, Y. Reuland, and P. Lestuzzi (2017). Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Of “Sion Cathedral” (Switzerland): An Integrated Approach To Detect And Evaluate Local Collapse Mechanisms In Heritage Buildings. Originally published in Prohitech ’17 proceedings (2017): 3rd International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions – 12 – 15 July 2017 . Lisbon | Portugal. Keywords: Seismic vulnerability assessment; Masonry structures; Local mechanisms; Architectural heritage, Non-linear time-history analysis.
- Y. Reuland, A. Jaoude, P. Lestuzzi, I. Smith (2017). Usefulness of ambient-vibration measurements for seismic assessment of existing structures. Originally published for SMAR 2017, fourth International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017. Final publication is available in the related proceedings, Paper No. 162.
- Hadhoud, H., Fassieh, K., Gregory, A., Helmy, H., Tagel-Din, H. (2016). Collapse Analysis of the Santo Stefano Tower, 16th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE). Key Words: Heritage Masonry Structure; 3-D Applied Element Model; Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis.
- Hadhoud, H., Fassieh, K., Gregory, A., Khalil, A., Harak, T. (2016). Seismic Assessment of the Damaged Margherita Palace, 16th World Congress on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE). Key Words: Heritage Masonry Structure; Laser Sanning Survey; 3-D Applied Element Model; Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis.
- Prionas, I. (2016). Progressive Collapse Analysis of Existing Buildings – A Performance Based Approach, Congress on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE). Key Words: Progressive Collapse Analysis; Applied Element Method; Performance Based Design; Period Elongation.
- Ibrahim, A., Salem, H., and Farahat, A. (2016), “Numerical Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Barriers Subjected to Blast Loading.” Resilient Infrastructure Conference, London.
- Dinu, F, Marginean, I., Sigauan, A., and Vasilescu, D. (2016) Effects of Close Range Blasts on Steel Frames. Experimental Testing and Numerical Validation. The International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, At Timisoara, Romania, Volume: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures SDSS’2016, ISBN (ECCS): 978-92-9147-133-1 pp. 699-708
- Salem, H, Mohssen, S., Nishikiori, Y., and Hosoda, A. (2015) Numerical Collapse Analysis of Tsuyagawa Bridge Damaged by Tohoku Tsunami. JCI Annual Convention, Chiba, Japan, July 2015, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pg. 55.
- Zerin, A. Salem, H, Hosoda, A., and Amanat, K. (2015) Verification of Masonry Properties in AEM Analysis for Brick Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames. JCI Annual Convention, Chiba, Japan, July 2015, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pg. 79.
- Attia, F., Yehia, N., and Salem, H. (2015) Progressive Collapse Assessment of Multi-Story Flat Slab Reinforced Concrete Structures under Gravity Loads. JCI Annual Convention, Chiba, Japan, July 2015, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pg. 37.
- Florea Dinu, Dan Dubina, Ioan Marginean, Ioan Petran (2015) Collapse Prevention Design Criteria for Moment Connections in Multi-Story Steel Frames Under Extreme Actions. Conference: 4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure, At Funchal, Portugal.
- Florea Dinu, Dan Dubina, Ioan Marginean, Ioan Petran (2015) Collapse Prevention Design Criteria for Moment Connections in Multi-Story Steel Frames Under Extreme Actions. Conference: 4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure, At Funchal, Portugal.
- Florea Dinu, Dan Dubina, Ioan Marginean (2015) Effect of Connection Between Reinforced Concrete Slab and Steel Beams In Multi-Story Frames Subjected to Different Column Loss Scenarios. Conference: 4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure of Mechanical Systems, At Funchal, Portugal.
- A Whelan, Matthew J. A Kernicky, Timothy P. A Weggel, David C. (2014), Structural Identification Using the Applied Element Method: Advantages and Case Study Application, Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, P255-262, Springer International Publishing. Keywords: AEM, FEM, vibration, damage, detection, prestressed concrete.
- R. Guragain, A.M. Dixit, K. Meguro: Development of Fragility Functions for Low Strength Masonry Buildings in Nepal using Applied Element Method, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15 WCEE), Septemper 24-28, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
- M. Lupoae, C. Baciu, D. Constantin, H. Puscau: Aspects Concerning Progressive Collapse of a Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure with Infill Walls, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2011 Vol III, WCE July 6-8, 2011, London, UK.
- Rahman, N., Elfouly, A., and Booth, M. “Alternate Path Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Stud Bearing Wall Structures,” Proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress, Las Vegas, Nevada, ASCE, April 2011.
- Salem, H. “Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Floods”, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 820-828, June 2010.
- Helmy, H., Salem, H., and Tagel-Din, H. “Numerical simulation of Charlotte Coliseum Demolition using the Applied Element Method”, 6th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’6), Cairo, Egypt, June 2010.
- Karbassi, A. and Nollet, M. Development of Seismic Vulnerability Scores for Masonry Buildings Using the Applied Element Method. Paper in progress.
- Helmy, H., Salem, H., and Tagel-Din, H. “Numerical simulation of Charlotte Coliseum Demolition using the Applied Element Method”, USNCCM-10 conference-Ohio, USA.
- D. Lau and H. Wibowo: Seismic Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges by Applied Element Method, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, March 2010.
- I. Mohamed, R. Seracino, and S.T. Smith: Analysis of FRP-to-Concrete Joint Assemblies with FRP Spike Anchors using the Applied Element Method, The Second Official Interntational Conference of International Institute for ERP in Construction for Asia-Pacific Region, December 2009.
- Marin Lupoae, Carmen Bucur: Use of Applied Element Method to Simulate the Collapse of Buildings, SISOM 2009 and Session of the Commission of Acoustics, Bucharest, 28-29 May 2009.
- Hartanto Wibowo, S.M.CSCE; Silvena S. Reshotkina; and David T. Lau, F.CSCE: Modeling Progressive Collapse of RC Bridges during Earthquakes, CSCE Annual General Conference 2009: On the Leading Edge, May 2009.
- Karbassi A. and Nollet MJ.: Application of the Applied Element Method to the Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Existing Buildings, 6th Structural Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Quebec City, QC, paper ST-401, June 2008.
- Y. Tokal, H. Najm: Protecting Bridges Against Blast Loads, 4TH New York City Bridge Conference Program, August 2007.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Nabil Rahman: Simulation of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Collapse Due to Blast Loads, Architectural Engineering National Concerence, Omaha, Nebraska, March29-April 1, 2006.
- Pandey, B. and Meguro, K. Simulation Of Brick Masonry Wall Behavior Under Inplane Lateral Loading Using Applied Element Method. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada. August 1-6, 2004. Paper No. 1664.
- Uehan, F and Meguro, K. Assessment Of Seismic Damage To Railway Structures Using Applied Element Method And Microtremor Measurement. 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada. August 1-6, 2004. Paper No. 1407.
- Hatem Tagel-Din: Collision of Structures During Earthquakes, Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, London, UK, September 9th – September 13th, 2002 .
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Analysis of a Small Scale RC Building Subjected to Shaking Table Tests using Applied Element Method, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Zealand, January 30th -February 4th, 2000.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Simplified and Efficient Technique for Fracture Behavior Analysis of Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FRAMCOS-3), Gifu , Japan, Oct. 1998.
C- Bulletins
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Simulation for Collapse Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo , No. 32, March, 1999.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Simulation of Buckling and Post-Buckling Behavior of Structures Using Applied Element Method, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, Institute of Industrial Science, No. 32, March, 1999.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Consideration of Poisson’s Ratio Effect in Structural Analysis Using Elements with Three Degrees of Freedom, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, No. 31, March 1998.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Simple and Accurate Technique for Failure Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo , No. 31, March 1998.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: 3-Dimensional Applied Element Simulation of Failure Behavior of Structures, Monthly Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Vol.51, No. 11, pp. 773-776, 1997 (In Japanese).
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Efficient Technique for Fracture Analysis of Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Resistant Structure Research Center , Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, No. 30, March 1997.
D- M.Sc., Ph.D., & Post-Doc Thesis
- Belec, G (2016) Seismic Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in Canada, Masters Thesis, Ottowa-Carleton Institute for Civil Engineering, University of Ottowa.
- CǍTǍLIN, B. (2015) Efficient Measures to Mitigate Effects of Terrorist Bomb Attacks on Buildings. Postdoctor and Institute for World Economy.National Strategies Observer No.2/Vol.1, 2015.
- CǍTǍLIN, B. (2015) Structural Stability of Buildings Exposed to the Risk of Terrorist Bomb Attacks. Postdoctor and în cadrul Institutului de Economie Mondială, Academia Română. Impactul transformărilor socio-economice și tehnologice la nivel national, european si mondial; Nr.8/2015, Vol.8
- Wijesundara Mudalige, Gayan Lakshitha (2015) Design and assessment of reinforced concrete columns in uplift due to internal building detonations. University of Southampton, Engineering and the Environment, Doctoral Thesis , 344pp.
- Bento Rodrigues, David José (2014) Demolição de Edifícios de Betão Armado por Métodos Explosivos, Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Militar, Outubro 2014.
- Karbassi, A., Performance-based seismic vulnerability evaluation of existing buildings in old sectors of Quebec. Ph.D Thesis, École de Technologie Supérieure (Université du Québec), Canada, 2010. Key words: Applied Element Method, Masonry, Incremental Dynamic Analysis, Rapid Visual Screening, Performance Based Seismic Evaluation.
- Hartanto, W., Progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete bridges during earthquakes. M.Sc. Thesis, Carlton University, 2009, 255 pages.
- Lupoae, Bucur: Building Demolition – Positive Aspect of Progressive Collapse, MTA Review, Vol XIX, No. 4, December 2009.
- Yahia M. Tokal-Ahmed: Response of Bridge Structures Subjected to Blast Loads and Protection Techniques to Mitigate the Effect of Blast Hazards on Bridges, Ph.D Thesis, Rutgers University, 2009. Keywords: SDOF, FEA, AEM, ELS, Blast, Bridges,
- Joshua Macabuag: Extending the Collapse Time of Non-Engineered Masonry Buildings Under Seismic Loading, The Structural Engineer 1 April 2008.
- Griffin, Joshua Wayne: Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Progressive Collapse through Demolition Scenarios and Computer Modeling, Masters Thesis, North Carolina State University, March 2008.
- G. Demailly: The Analysis of Collapse of Deteriorated Framed Buildings. Masters Thesis, French Military Academy of Saint-Cyr, December 2008. Key words: collapse, building, demolition, ELS Software.
- Special Report: Changing the Known Built World – Structural Security, The First Step to Physical Security. Homeland Defense Journal, 2009.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Nabil Rahman, The Applied Element Method: The Ultimate Analysis of Progressive Collapse, Structures Magazine, p31-33, April 2006.
- P. Mayorca and Kimiro Meguro, Modeling Masonry Structures using the Applied Element Method, Seisan-Kenku, 55 6, 2003.
E- Other Publications
- Hoon Park, Chul-Gi Suk, Seung-Kon Kim: A Study on Explosive Demolition of a Cylindrical Silo Structure, Korea Kacoh 2008.
- Hyung-Dong Min,Jong-Ho Park. Young-Suk Song, Hoon Park: The Case Study of Explosives Demolition at Chung-Ang Department, Korea Kacoh 2008.
- Special Report: Changing the Known Built World – Structural Security, The First Step to Physical Security. Homeland Defense Journal, 2009.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Nabil Rahman, The Applied Element Method: The Ultimate Analysis of Progressive Collapse, Structures Magazine, p31-33, April 2006.
- P. Mayorca and Kimiro Meguro, Modeling Masonry Structures using the Applied Element Method, Seisan-Kenku, 55 6, 2003.
- A. F. Elragi, N. M. Abdel-Rahman and Hatem Tagel-Din: Numerical Models for Upgrade of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Bonded Composite Laminates, 4th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Volume 1, May 2002.
- Hatem Tagel-Din: Dynamic Displacement Control Technique for Dynamic Analysis of Structures Subjected to Multiple Support Excitation, 4th International Alexandria Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 2nd – 4th April, 2001.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Method for Buckling, Post-Buckling and Collapse Behavior Analysis of Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of RC Structures, 8th Arabian Conference for Structural Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 2000.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Method: A New Efficient Tool for Design of Structure Considering its Failure Behavior, 5th U.S. National Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Seattle, Washington, 12-14 Aug., 1999.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Simulation of Collapse Process of a Scaled RC Building Subjected to Base Excitation, Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Earthquake Engineering Symposium, Tokyo, July 1999.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: A New Efficient Technique for Collapse Analysis of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, Sept. 1999.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: A New Efficient Model for Failure Analysis of Structures, Proc. Of the 3rd symposium on Fundamental Research for the Mitigation of Urban Disasters by Near Field Earthquakes, Sapporo/Hokkaido, Japan, Oct. 1998. (Title in Japanese).
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Applied Element Simulation of Collapse Process of Structures due to Impulsive Forces, 17th Annual Conf. on Natural Disaster Reduction, Kanazawa, Japan, Oct. 1998. (Title in Japanese)
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Applied Element Simulation of Large Deformation of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Kobe, Japan, Oct. 1998.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Failure Analysis of Structures Using a New Simple Technique, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Annual Conference, Tochigi, Japan, March. 1998.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Development of a New Fracture Analysis Method with High Accuracy Based on Discontinuous Material Modeling, 16th annual Conf. on Natural Disaster Reduction, Osaka, Japan, Oct. 1997. (Title in Japanese)
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Fracture Behavior Analysis of Structures Using a New Efficient and Simple Technique, Monthly Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Vol. 49, No. 1, Nov. 1997.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: Development of a New Efficient Technique for Nonlinear Structural Analysis, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)Annual Conference, Hachioji, Japan, Sept. 1997.
- Hatem Tagel-Din and Kimiro Meguro: An Efficient and Simplified Technique for Nonlinear Analysis of Structures, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Kobe , Japan, July 1997.
- Kimiro Meguro and Hatem Tagel-Din: Development and Application of a New Model for Fracture Behavior Analysis of Structures, First US-Japan Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities, Buffalo , U.S., Feb. 1997.