Ideal Structural Analysis Tool for Historic Structures

Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software offers a new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis, which allows users to efficiently study structural failure and retrofitting strategies in historic masonry structures from any number of possible extreme loading events including earthquake, blast, and progressive collapse.

Blast Analysis

Structural engineers can analyze a structure subjected to blast loads allowing them to visualize how the building, or different structural components inside the building, will behave under the prescribed conditions.

Progressive Collapse Analysis

Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) software allows structural engineers to accurately analyze and visualize progressive (disproportionate) collapse resulting from extreme loading conditions including: earthquake loads, severe wind loads, blast loads, dynamic loads and impact loads.

Highrise Collapse Analysis

 Extreme Loading for Structures Software (ELS) offers a new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis, which allows users efficiently to study structural failure from any number of actual or possible extreme events. Unlike traditional FEM software, users can easily model high-rise structures composed of reinforced concrete, steel composite and other structures with all as-built and as-damaged details.

Seismic Collapse Analysis

ELS offers a new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis, which allows users to efficiently study structural failure and retrofitting strategies in any type of existing structures from any number of possible extreme loading events including earthquake.

Optimize Blast Design for UFC

ELS offers a new advanced level of nonlinear static or dynamic structural analysis to study the behavior of structures during blast and other extreme loading events. Complex geometry, connections, and reinforcement can be modeled easily without the need for outdated transition elements required by typical FEA tools, providing significant improvements to the model and its results.

Real Brick & Mortar Real Results

Unreinforced masonry (URM) structures have shown to be susceptible to significant damage during strong earthquakes. Vulnerability assessment of URM buildings is needed so that appropriate mitigation strategies can be implemented.

3D Truss Analysis

Extreme Loading for Structures Software is the ideal nonlinear dynamic structural analysis tool to study the behavior of cold-formed steel structures against seismic, wind, progressive collapse, and blast.

Virtual Shake Table

Accelerate the research performed on shake tables with full-scale virtual that can predict local and global failure, opening the door to substantial design improvements, and moving shake tables to validation, post optimization.

Differential Column Shortening

Analyze and predict the boundaries of long term behavior, the relative axial stiffness and the tributary area of columns and walls, and apply the optimum distribution of additional reinforcement to reduce differential column shortening in reinforced concrete high-rise buildings.


The ideal nonlinear dynamic structural analysis tool to study the behavior of cold-formed steel structures against seismic, wind, progressive collapse, and blast.


ELS provides an economic nonlinear dynamic structural analysis solution for use in performance based design allowing users to efficiently model and analyze structures.


Applied loads are virtually unlimited and may be sequenced in a multi-hazard approach with staged loading to simulate repeated or a chain of events, including earthquakes, fire, blast, impact, tsunami, high wind, and progressive collapse.
Nonlinear dynamic structural analysis software

Extreme Loading® for Structures Software or ELS, is an advanced non-linear structural analysis software tool designed specifically for structural engineers. ELS allows structural engineers to study the 3D behavior of structures through both the continuum and discrete stages of loading. This includes static and dynamic loads such as those generated by a blast, seismic events, impact, progressive collapse, and the wind. Unlike many structural analysis software tools which are based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), ELS utilizes a non-linear solver based on the Applied Element Method (AEM).

This allows ELS is to automatically analyze structural behavior during elastic and inelastic modes including the automatic yielding of reinforcement, detection, and generation of plastic hinges, buckling & post-buckling, crack propagation, membrane action & P-Delta effect, and separation of elements. The resulting debris and impacts with structural elements are also automatically analyzed and stress redistribution is inherently calculated.

What’s New with Extreme Loading for Structures:

Model Progressive Collapse In Ten Minutes or Less:

In this short video, we take you through the process of creating a small reinforced concrete structure to illustrate how quickly you can model and analyze a detailed reinforced concrete structure for progressive collapse in Extreme Loading® for Structures Software (ELS).

Economic Performance Base Design

ELS provides an economic nonlinear dynamic structural analysis solution for use in performance based design allowing users to efficiently model and analyze structures.

Reduced Assumptions Improves Results

Model reinforcement, steel sections, and prestressing details commonly assumed or neglected to be fully integrated into the model with ease, providing significant improvements to the model and its results.

Prevent Structural Failure

Applied loads are virtually unlimited and may be sequenced in a multi-hazard approach with staged loading to simulate repeated or a chain of events, including earthquakes, fire, blast, impact, tsunami, high wind, and progressive collapse.

Virtual Shake Table

Accelerate the research performed on shake tables with full scale virtual that can predict local and global failure, opening the door to substantial design improvements, and moving shake tables to validation, post optimization.

ELS Modeler

The modeler included with Extreme Loading® for Structures (ELS) provides engineers with a comprehensive and intuitive style-based modeling interface that allows users to quickly and easily create 3-D solid element structural models for nonlinear static or dynamic analysis structures.

AEM Solver

The Applied Element Method (AEM) based solver in Extreme Loading® for Structures is a derivative of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). AEM is capable of performing both linear and nonlinear, static or dynamic analysis that follows the behavior of structures through separation, collision, and collapse.

ELS Viewer

The frame by frame Extreme Loading for Structures Results Viewer allows the user to view and perform a number of post-processing tasks in order to analyze results and export presentation materials.

Applications for Extreme Loading for Structures

Never before, have structural engineers had a structural analysis software tool that is capable of fully analyzing structures under extreme loads.

Recent Publications:

Structures Congress 2017: Ship Impact & Nonlinear Dynamic Collapse Analysis of a Single Well Observation Platform

Visit ASI Engineers as they present on the three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis they performed on a single well observation platform. The structure consists of a single level service deck supported by three driven piles and a bracing frame. Extreme Loading®...

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